There were two scene which distress me, the first one was a little boy who tried to returned to the ghetto where was put the Jewish with a peace of bread. The boy was trying to enter by a little hole to avert that the SS see him, but they have seen him and hit him at the back the boy was suffering pain until they break his back.
The second one happened too in the ghetto, where during the night a group of Nazi police enter to a home of the last floor, when they entered to the house all the family wake up except the old one who was paralyzed, so the police keep him and through him out from the window, after that the Nazi order the family to go out and to run while the police shut them like if they were like animals.
Honestly I couldn't stay unblinking next to the brutality of these scene, just to imagine that this kind of torture had existed make me sick, sometimes we can't imagine that a human can commit this kind of atrocities.
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