viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

my oral presentatiom '' Sitcomes''

Last day I have present with Fiona, a friend class, our first oral presentation of the second of Batxillerat. First, we had to choose between two topics: love in Pride & Prejudice or humour. So we choose Humour, we talked about the american sitcomes because it's a topic that interest both of us, because during all our life we used to watch the same sitcomes. well, I didn't know Fiona before, but I found that we have a lot of points in common shared, and I was very surprised to know a person so agreeable, inteligent and nice like she is.

Honestly, we didn't prepare our presentation, when we've done it in classe it was the first time, so sometimes we had to improvised, and sometimes we were saying the same thing at the same moments, it was very funny.

To sum up, I think that we have had a good time and fun during this presentation and I hope that the students felt that. So maybe we'll have the same or better moments on the next presentation.

2 comentarios:

clàudia dijo...

did you not prepare your oral?
so well done because I think that you did a really good work ;)


That's the aim of the oral be able to speak spontaneously about a topic with little preparation, so girls, congratulations, you did an awesome work !!