Have you ever been intrigued by the tarot and theirs meanings?
Personally, I don't but one day I've played to it and sometimes it can be true, but it's only a question of fortune. Today I will show you three tarot that I like and theirs signification, I'm very curious in that freak of nature and about witchcraft, but I trend to say that it's impossible that it can be true, but who know!
The three tarot that I choose are the Temperance, the star and the moon
The Temperance represent the beyond, the world of the angels, the stranger. The cure (2 snakes: caduceus), economy, to avoid the wasting, the patience of a saint. It is the mystery of the time- space journey. the person who wants to help those who suffer. Invisible help. Moderate, quiet character. Concentration.
BACK TO FRONT: problem of impatience, economy, refusal of the help
The Star represent the humility, the bare truth, from whom ensue the fertility, the prosperity. The landscape evokes the harmony, the Garden of Eden. It is necessary to become nothing and to kneel down to receive the energies of stars: the gift of the water, the gift of the life. Generosity. Pregnancy.
BACK TO FRONT: refusal of humility, to kneel down. Problem of pride, fertility.
The Moon made reference to the world of the feelings. Here, it's necessary to control our feelings and our charm for the material things, then a superior state connected to the intuition can appear. Mystery connected to the imagination, in the past. The mother. House of the mother. Clairvoyance.
BACK TO FRONT: quarrels. Emotional problems, with the mother, with past …