Have you ever been intrigued by the tarot and theirs meanings?
Personally, I don't but one day I've played to it and sometimes it can be true, but it's only a question of fortune. Today I will show you three tarot that I like and theirs signification, I'm very curious in that freak of nature and about witchcraft, but I trend to say that it's impossible that it can be true, but who know!
The three tarot that I choose are the Temperance, the star and the moon

The Temperance represent the beyond, the world of the angels, the stranger. The cure (2 snakes: caduceus), economy, to avoid the wasting, the patience of a saint. It is the mystery of the time- space journey. the person who wants to help those who suffer. Invisible help. Moderate, quiet character. Concentration.
BACK TO FRONT: problem of impatience, economy, refusal of the help

BACK TO FRONT: refusal of humility, to kneel down. Problem of pride, fertility.

BACK TO FRONT: quarrels. Emotional problems, with the mother, with past …